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Wedding anniversaries have slipped by over the years, some passing without our realization. Steve and Sue did organise a surprise celebration for our 25th  but all others have been low key. Our 50th anniversary was spent at Bled  one of our favourite spots.

Some pics  I found,

Merv and Marg with children Steve and Sue and Merv's parents at the 25th surprise celebrations held at the home of Les and Eslyn.

Steve, Sue, Merv and Mar at 25th wedding anniversary


Our 40th wedding anniversary was in a motel room in Quilpie in western Queensland after travelling up the Birdsville track. Les and Eslyn and Gayle were also  on that trip.


In 2009 for our 45th anniversary we were at Sue's place in Toowoomba and a small celebration with a veil and decorated dolls occurred.

Those responsible are shown here, Jessica, Nicholas and Sue

In later years we were usually in Budapest for the anniversary and as here in 2012 we just went out for a quiet lunch. Pic taken in yard of Steve's and Timi's home





At a restaurant in Bled in 2014.