Billy's Parties
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 Billy was in Toowoomba for his actual birthday so had a party for family theere and then had one with school friends in a park at the coast. Some of us were lucky enough to be at both.

Billy at Darren's and Tracy's with presents and Mum with Great-aunt Timi, sister Lola and cousin Parker

Lola, Parker, Tracy holding Alfred, Jess, Billy with cake, Hamilton and Pa





Billy cuts the cake




Lola, Parker, Billy and Hamilton enjoy the cake


Billy with cousin David at Darren's practise nets

Watching the children ride motor bikes, Billy and Hamilton on the bikes here.

Lola, Jess, Billy, Pa, Uncle Steve and David at the table




Aunty Catie, Ma, Grandma Sue, and great-aunt Timi


Jess prepares cake in park at coast while Billy and some friends watch on


Mother and son, Jess and Billy

Billy and cake






Billy with Ma and Pa 

Marg and Billy

Connor and David passing a football in the park