Merv's and Marg's Home Page
Home Page

What's New Page

From the Files

Riding on Bikes

Mick and Twins

Stump Sculptures

Pelling's Visit

Furniture at Burrum

Contact Page

Photo Page

Welcome To Our Home

Welcome to our web site. On this site we hope to give a small insight into the happenings at our place as we pursue retirement.
We update regularly so please call again if it interests you.


Home Page  Updated  30-09-24

What's New Page   Updated 30-09-24

From the Files   Updated  18-10-24

Furniture at Burrum Updated  28-09 -24

Riding on Bikes Updated 27-09-24

Stump Sculptures Updated 28-09-24

Pelling's Visit Updated  28-09-24

Mick and Twins Updated    27-09-24





Sisters Carol and Jean have both spent time in hospital during the past month